Name of candidate:


Title of session: Health & management

Group/Venue: Live


Length of session:

42 mins

A)  Preparation - Did the educator:

Yes / No


1.     check the environment and resources beforehand?



Room & layout ready for use.

2.     take into account any health & safety issues?

      E.g. by reviewing the fire procedure at start




3.     ensure there were enough resources for all participants? E.g. resource pack for each learner.




4.     assess learning needs beforehand (or at the start for one off sessions)?

Not assessed for microteaching


5.     have a scheme of work & lesson plan to show: aims/ SMART objectives/ learning outcomes and how to support learner’s needs?

Scheme of work not assessed for microteaching

Y – lesson plan


6.     provide/ identify differentiation strategies for slower AND faster learners, if appropriate during the session?



B)  Delivery - Did the educator:



1.    deliver an introduction, main content and conclusion?




2.    establish and maintain a rapport with the group?




3.    demonstrate knowledge of their subject?



4.    take into account different learning styles by using a variety of teaching methods and teaching aids?


Some people may learn more effectively

5.    promote and address equality, diversity and inclusion during the session? E.g. using andragogy, learner led.


if they were given more andragogic opportunities, earlier on.

6.   communicate appropriately & effectively?



7.    appear confident, professional and motivational?



8.   provide relevant, interesting, engaging and challenging activities (as appropriate)?



Pedagogy may restrict this.

9. integrate/ embed English, Maths and ICT to support

      learning goals and career ambitions?

Not assessed for microteaching


C) Monitoring during the session - Did the educator:



1.    ask questions and involve the group where appropriate?



2.   give positive feedback where relevant?



3.    summarise the session?



4.    allow learners to achieve the aims/ objectives/ learning outcomes?



5.    clear the area afterwards?



6.   complete relevant records?

Not assessed for microteaching


7.    identify opportunities for learners to feedback and empower them to know how to improve/ meet their aspirations?



8.    evaluate their session to analyse ways to make the learner experience even more effective?

To do.

By completion of the self-evaluation form



D)  Overall feedback:                                   Number of peer group evaluations handed in: N/A

                                                                       (Generally for the micro-teaching session only)


Marking tutor signature: Name:  C. Peter          Date:


SUMMARY – A well planned, prepared and executed session, where you explored some important aspects, well done. You used a mix of pedagogic (teacher centred) and provided some andragogic opportunities, (learner directed/centred) from time to time. Some learners (especially the activists and pragmatists) may prefer / benefit from even ‘more to do’ independently of you perhaps, using peer presentation, where appropriate. Because of the low student numbers maybe you felt that you had to bounce ideas to the learners during the session yourself (pedagogy)?


You used the Socratic teaching method where teachers engage students by asking questions that required answers providing a stimulus to further exploration. See here for further details: http://www.learnnc.org/lp/pages/4994


Your learners generally were dependent on you but may need to be left alone to work things out for themselves, to facilitate independence of thought and action to generate self-learning and personal development skills perhaps. This is what they need ‘in the real world’ as you won’t be there to help out! It may also be useful to consider (read about) transactional analysis: http://www.businessballs.com/transactionalanalysis.htm where, ideally, you are aiming for an ‘adult to adult’ relationship to encourage learner self-determination and internalised learning. Perhaps you were in the role of ‘parent’ on some occasions and ‘adult to adult’ on other occasions?





  1. Room set up appropriately beforehand to facilitate interaction and involvement with the course resources that were well-prepared and to hand;


  1. Personal introduction, for early credibility;


  1. Review of the contents and how to use the resource pack, so that it will be used effectively throughout because learners will know what is in it and how to use it as intended;


  1. Early pair work to explore why the topic might be useful to delegates and personal relevancies;


  1. Short PowerPoint based presentation to clarify the topic and its context related to the delegates working environments.


  1. Good use of interactive (tutor to learner) Q&A to verbally explore the underpinning principles, practicalities and relevancies of the topic, with some thoughtful and probing questions and points made. A pedagogic strategy;


  1. You came over as being; approachable, professional, knowledgeable, confident with a supportive manner offering positive feedback to the learner’s contributions;


  1. From time to time you captured some of the learner’s contributions on to flip chart, acknowledging and respecting their contributions;


  1. Good use of a wide-ranging verbal, picture and video case studies to not only bring the topic alive but also allow learners to explore some key and subtle aspects in a naturally relevant way. The video clip was very useful to bring the topic alive, allowing people to naturally tease out some key and subtle aspects in a relevant way;


  1. Practical demonstration provided (after 11 minutes). You also gave the opportunity for another learner to demonstrate to their colleagues too with some useful points explored;


  1. You provided many tips and anecdotes to ‘add value’ and further explore the topic in a practical way;


  1. Your PowerPoint slides (and related resource pack) were designed well to support learning. Good use of graphics to bring the paperwork alive where you used many of the recommended features to make the resource pack useful during and after the session;


  1. You were monitoring and supporting people, throughout the session;


  1. Opportunities for self-reflection near the end via a review of the written quiz, as well as a conclusion and further reading. Good opportunities provided to further explore the topic via questions and answers.






  1. Provide a fuller introduction, with, housekeeping, H&S, ground rules, aims and objectives (to be reviewed on PowerPoint and available in the resource pack too perhaps). Learners may be excited at the prospect of achieving the objectives if they had been made more explicit at the start. They may also feel proud by the end of the session if you acknowledged what they had achieved. However, because you used a very pedagogic approach, there wasn’t much for the learners to achieve practically;


  1. Activists and pragmatists (visual and kinaesthetic learners – extroverts perhaps) may prefer and NEED ‘more to do’ earlier on without your direct involvement. E.g. the pairs could review the resource pack containing all the correct information/pictures/diagrams on the context of the topic and then get people to work in pairs to confirm their understanding of the topic. Naturally people will get things wrong, in the ‘safe environment’ of the class room. They then realise the need for you to support them. I.e. you have justified why they need to listen to you and benefit from your direction and expertise. Allowing people to learn from ‘their own mistakes’ is a very powerful way of learning for the long-term. You could then give them more scenarios/case studies/simulations/role plays to work on, earlier on. I.e. active problem-solving activities, making the experience even more relevant and meaningful to the learners perhaps. This could be followed by;


  1. Provision of a formal peer-appraisal form checklist, so people can critically analyse each other’s performance is a standardised and systematic way;


  1. To explore the underpinning principles, you could also consider getting people to research different aspects of the subject in pairs/teams, using a structured quiz form early on, then allow each pair/team to research the answers from a user-friendly resource pack and then present their findings (peer teaching) to the rest of the group, using post its and flip charts perhaps. I.e. getting the learners to tell you and their colleagues rather than you telling them about the underpinning principles. This would focus their attention on doing the research well as they will either look ignorant or knowledgeable when they present their finding (addressing the affective domain heart and intrinsic motivation, Herzberg). I.e. empower learners to take charge of their own learning);


  1. Why not get the pairs to work on the picture and video case studies themselves, in pairs perhaps? Followed by peer-presentation to their peers, from the front of the class, using pre-prepared teaching aids, such as flip-charts and or post-its. They may feel quite proud to demonstrate their (new found) knowledge to you afterwards. Because you took charge of the review of the video you restricted this opportunity for people to take charge of their own learning and feel good about doing so perhaps;


  1. Provision of interactive teaching aids, such as flip chart and post-its. This can reinforce learning as learners may be using all three of the learning domains; the head, heart and hands;


  1. Allow your learners to review their own work from the FRONT of the class, when and where appropriate – this will promote ownership (affective domain, heart) and avoid the educator wasting time by having to ask what they meant. This will allow people to ‘shine’. I.e. the challenge is ‘sink or swim’! Once people realise that they are swimming they will feel good about themselves and proud of their achievements, especially being in the very powerful ‘front of class’ position. It also provides a psychological focus to doing the preparatory work thoroughly. As they will be on show to their colleagues and won’t want to embarrasses themselves;


  1. Provision of an early video clip, to bring the topic alive and allow people to explore and appreciate the topic, early on, in a relevant way. E.g. news story, incident etc.;


  1. Before running a video clip, provide pre-video questions, (in writing, in the resource pack for example), so that learners know what to look at during the video and then be ready for a focussed and meaningful discussion afterwards;


  1. Consider whose voice was generally predominant during the session. If it was yours (as the tutor) was this conducive to student engagement with the topic and deep and effective learning? Also, consider who was at the ‘hub’ of the learning. If you were at the hub of the learning experience was this conducive to the learners being able to really learn effectively? Were you able to address the affective domain (their hearts) by making your session relevant, interesting, engaging and challenging, early on?


  1. Standing at the start of the lesson may be a useful psychological technique to establish your authority BUT sitting, especially with other learners during peer feedback and discussions may facilitate more learner interactivity and avoid learners directing their feedback just to you. I.e. a more inclusive opportunity for everyone to participate;


  1. Provide quiz answers to learners in writing, as the introverts (theorists and reflectors) may not have caught the verbal correct answers that you gave. This addresses ‘differentiation’ and provides a more powerful way of learning as we learn effectively through more senses, such as hearing, seeing and doing;


  1. A summary of session and main points confirmed via a review of the objectives can make learners feel proud about their achievements.


Note: The observation report will be a ‘one off’ review of what the assessor felt about the effectiveness of the teaching and learning experience. In reality, there will be many other important factors that will affect the effectiveness of the teacher/trainer. Formal inspections will usually ‘triangulate’ an observation review to include many of these important aspects, such as; results if learners/trainees take some sort of examination, learner’s comments about their experiences, learner support, management, parents and other important stakeholders.


This willnot be the case on this occasion but the report will give the teacher/trainer a good idea about how they are performing as well as provide some important suggestions for making their teaching/training even more effective.





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