Click the button above to pay now for the teacher observation, by card/PayPal: £85.00
Distance learning course: Click the above button to PAY NOW and start the course within 24 hours. Pay by card/PayPal: £275 discounted course fee or £80 deposit.
We can also accept credit and debit card payments over the telephone - 0208 144 9828.
You can also manually pay the discounted fully inclusive course fee of £275 or the £80 deposit immediately (and securely, on-line) by credit or debit card if you wish, using PayPal.
Enter the following e-mail address - (copy and paste).
e.g. Enter payment of; £275 or £80
In the message box, just
put your name & address and specify the course. That's it!
When you are ready to be assessed teaching, there is also a £50 teaching observation assessment fee, making
a total cost of £290.
DISCOUNT: There is a £15 discount if you pay the fully inclusive tuition and teaching observation fee immediately together. I.e. £275 inclusive.
Alternatively, we can send you a (PayPal) invoice.
'Andragogic Education' - Teacher Training specialists
Contact: OR 0208 144 98 28 (Leave a voicemail if we can’t answer, we are a busy team!)